Ener Pro provides a comprehensive review of energy supply and end use. The review is aimed at identifying the existing gaps and quantifying the energy losses and costs. We also take into account the health and safety and comfort of staff and clients. The level of energy audit conducted depends on the requirement of the client. Ener Pro conducts various different levels of energy audits and the level of detail is as per the client’s requirements. The various categories of energy audits conducted are as follows: Walk through, general audit and investment grade audit.

Walk Through Audit

This involves visiting a facility to identify energy saving opportunities through analysis of utility, equipment and operating data. It also involves interaction with personnel to better understand the operations of the facility.

General Energy Audit

This is more detailed than the walk through audit since it involves collecting more detailed information about the facilities’ operations and also involves performing a thorough review of the energy conservation measures. The energy auditors will evaluate the facilities utility bills collected for a period of up to 36 months. The resultant energy audit report outlines the proposed energy saving recommendations that when implemented leads to increased energy conservation and reduced billing.

Investment Grade Audit

This is done in accordance with the existing regulations and it involves detailed assessment of the proposed energy efficiency improvements. It is more detailed than the general energy audit and involves a thorough engineering technical and economic study to justify the investment related to the project implementation. Ener Pro has an ESCO advises clients to identify evaluate and plan for the various measures to undertake towards energy efficiency improvements and the resultant cost savings.